The story’s heroine has just had great success in publishing her first novel. While the rest of her peers are trying to hold down steady jobs, she’s now a certified artist and so decides to spend her time partying, travelling and...
A unique entry into the Sci-Fi cannon, The Man With The Magic Box falls somewhere between Memento, Blade Runner and The Time Traveller’s Wife. The story follows Adam (Piotr Polak), an amnesiac...
At the recently liberated areas in 1945 Poland, the Communist Security Service is eliminating its so-called enemies citing that they are traitors. An old Nazi concentration camp is turned into a labour camp for Germans, Silesians and...
Based on the true story of a business man who was murdered in 2000 in Wrocław. His killer, Krystian Bala (Mateusz Kościukiewicz) managed to evade conviction for three years, and might have been able to continue to do so, if he hadn’t...
A biopic about the inspirational true story of Polish athletics legend, Jerzy Górski (Jakub Gierszał). A former drug addict who went to prison a few times, he managed to pull his life back together with the support of those close to...
This is the real life story of Michalina Wisłocka (Magdalena Boczarska), the most famous female sexologist in Poland, whose book The Art of Loving faced many difficulties in getting published during the communist era....
A black and white coming-of-age story focused on the lives of three teenagers, Jake, Kyle and Jared, who live in a housing estate in London. At this point in their lives Kyle and Jared seem only to be interested in sex, porn and weed,...
In the late 60’s the residents of Zagłębie, Poland, were terrorised by a serial killer who claimed the lives of fourteen women. In 1998 Pieprzyca made a documentary about the events, and now in this film he revisits the subject to...
Ewa (Marta Nieradkiewicz) returns home from the hospital to her rose plantation, where her mother has been taking care of the children in her absence. Soon after Ewa’s husband also returns from a long work-trip, but the months apart...
Michael (Jakub Gierszał) is a young, successful lawyer living the high-life in Berlin. Having emigrated from Poland a few years prior, he tries hard to keep his previous life in the past. One day an older, unorthodox-looking Polish...